The Nixor Summer

After months of tiresome studying and sleepless nights, all I wanted to do was unwind and relax for a couple of weeks before the college year started. Thus, I was caught off guard when Nixor’s Summer Corporate program was announced. Since my schedule was empty I decided to enroll in a few classes including Turkish language, Psychology head start classes and rowing training.

Out of these classes, Psychology was the only one I was thoroughly disappointed with. The reason was that our TA didn’t show up for the first two weeks of Summer Corporate, missing a total of at least 8 classes, to my knowledge. After this, I realized that sitting idly in a classroom for an hour, waiting for the TA to arrive was a waste of time that I could put to better use. Hence, I dropped out of the head start class. Choosing to focus more of my time and energy on familiarizing myself with the campus and the people around it instead.

However, the aspect of Summer Corporate I was most excited about from the very beginning was being part of an entity. Therefore, I was thrilled to work on projects of editing and writing for Nixor Creative Studios, especially; Sharkpress. The most enjoyable event of the program in my opinion was Deep Waters, hosted by Nixor Creative Studios (NCS) and Nixor Logistics X (NLX). This event clicked with me because I have been somewhat of a murder mystery fan for as long as I can remember. Besides, winning the shield with my teammates for one of the modules was a bonus.

Being a foodie and a coffee enthusiast, I was delighted to see a coffee stall on the college campus. At first, I was scared to try it out, because let’s face it, not everyone has the skill required to make proper coffee. However, I was pleasantly surprised.

Another fact that surprised me was that the A0s of Summer Corporate were not allowed into the library which was why I was quite apprehensive to enter the library even when invited to work there by my executives. When I entered the library, the first thing I noticed was that it was severely lacking in books. Yet, as the days flew by and as I started working out of the library even more frequently, I understood that despite its shortcomings the library was a comfortable and cosy place where executives and volunteers alike got together to work unanimously on various pending projects.

One long-lasting effect Summer Corporate, NCS to be highly specific, has had on me is that I have realized I enjoy editing a lot and might want to make a career out of it someday in the future.

As the Zig Ziglar quote goes, “making a big life change is pretty scary. But know what’s even scarier? Regret.”