The Summer Corporate Experience

Nixor College, like every other year, gave its A0’s a Summer they would not forget. A chance to join the corporate world or to display our athletic skills.

Summer Corporate was more of a social event, where students from different schools in Karachi came to Nixor and became one with each other. So, when the time for college officially starts, every student will be somewhat familiar with each other, which is a good start.

Working with other entities, and meeting different seniors, I can say that all of them were more than welcome to meet us and work with us on different projects. I took Nixor Creative Studio (NCS) and Nixor Productions (NP), each with its very own unique style of work. Every senior helped me at my most vulnerable and made me flourish a talent inside me. Coming to Nixor was one of the best decisions I have ever made. With some of the work I did here, I would’ve never gotten the same opportunity in school.

As soon as I stepped through the doors, scanning my card, and noticed how both the juniors and seniors had meshed together and no one could tell them apart. It was truly a sight to see, how in mere weeks, everyone had made an unforgettable bond with each other. There was a sense of comfort walking through campus, meeting new faces and gaining smiles of reassurance from the seniors, telling us that everything will just work out. Some of the seniors would be sitting at stalls, bribing A0s to buy the tickets and attend their events. As you would enter the library, which had become more of a hangout spot for the executives, taking their hour-long breaks, catching up with friends or watching their shows. As volunteers, we would only be allowed for some time in the library, hopefully, more, once college officially starts.

I am truly glad that we got this opportunity, to work with seniors, meet other volunteers and make new friends. If I am being honest, the Nixor Experience just started, thanks to the Summer Corporate. The events which did happen, like NHPL and Deep waters, were truly wonderful and the most exhilarating experiences I had. Unlike other colleges, Nixor college comes first in my charts, for giving the students what they want while also taking their academics seriously. Go sharks