The Real Nixor Experience

Euphoria hit me like a ton of bricks, the moment I took a step through the main gate. Even though it was just for an interview, it was still crazy for me to figure out that this was the place which was soon going to be my second home for two whole years. To me, […]

The Summer Corporate Experience

Nixor College, like every other year, gave its A0’s a Summer they would not forget. A chance to join the corporate world or to display our athletic skills. Summer Corporate was more of a social event, where students from different schools in Karachi came to Nixor and became one with each other. So, when the […]

The Summer That Went By

The first day I entered Nixor as a student, I was told things I didn’t understand. Why do they call it Corporate? What does each of the places do? Where do I go? Who do I like enough to work with for the entire next year? Struggling to make my way through the basketball court […]

The Nixor Summer

After months of tiresome studying and sleepless nights, all I wanted to do was unwind and relax for a couple of weeks before the college year started. Thus, I was caught off guard when Nixor’s Summer Corporate program was announced. Since my schedule was empty I decided to enroll in a few classes including Turkish […]

Shark On The Horizon

Much of my senior school years was spent under the gloomy shadow of covid, and the restrictions it brought ultimately sabotaged the ‘high school experience’. This made me look forward to college, as the phenomenon of covid grew fainter by the day and life was getting back to normal, I anticipated the arrival of this […]